Convert Songs To DecPlay Format

How to convert songs into DecPlay PianoTabz format

Welcome to the Piano Bundle course

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The Piano Bundle, includes 8 separate courses (see below) which enables you to make incredibly rapid progress and learn to play piano with freedom, confidence and fun.

5 Step Formula

The courses utilises the DecPlay 5 Step Formula that gets rapid results, whether or not you have any musical experience already.

Several of the courses within PianoFreedom use the revolutionary new patented 'DecPlay', which is an ingeniously simple technique to achieve incredibly fast results WITHOUT having to read 'music' (traditional notation).

This Course is For

  • both existing musicians and also complete beginners, who are passionate about learning or improving their piano playing and learning the wonderful skill of playing by ear.
  • people who want to play piano for fun eg for themselves, or family/friends, at parties, gigs, in the studio etc..
  • teaches the 'hidden patterns' that I have discovered over 30+ years of playing piano, which unlock the natural musical talent we all posses and make playing piano accessible to all.

Whats Included

Access to Piano Bundle Course and support (payment options either annually in advance or monthly):-

Comprehensive collection of 8 courses that enables rapid results from beginner to intermediate level:-

  1. Full Beginners course
  2. Piano for Singing
  3. Intermediate & Advanced Skills
  4. Different Styles (Rock n Roll, Blues, Jazz, Ballads etc...)
  5. Music Knowledge
  6. Music Performance
  7. Song Sheets - free song sheets from DecPlay library
  8. Convert songs into PianoTabz format - access huge libraries

Support Package

  • Priority email support
  • Twice Monthly group live Zoom call
  • Access to members community Facebook group
  • Course updates and new song sheets

How is FastPlay so Fast?

FastPlay uses a unique combination of techniques and the patented DecPlay form of notation, to enable people to play their first tune to a recognisable level usually within an hour and to play competently within days, to a level only expected after dozens of lessons using traditional tuition methods!

The other advanced and professional playing styles in the Piano Freedom Course, can then be built upon this FastPlay foundation.

Why is DecPlay Needed?

DecPlay makes playing piano accessible to all, answering the call from many people who wish to play piano, but are unable to do so by traditional methods / music notation, by providing:-

  1. INSTANT GRATIFICATION - understand song sheets immediately
  2. RAPID RESULTS - play recognisable song within 1 hour
  3. MEMORISE SONGS EASILY - ideal for parties
  4. ACCESSIBLE - for all ages (4+), dyslexia, ASD, ADHD, partially sighted and special needs
  5. SKILL DEVELOPMENT - connects to courses for professional style, improvisation and composition

Who is It Aimed At?

This DecPlay range of methods is aimed at anyone who wants to play songs on piano for fun and is especially suitable for senior citizens. It is designed for pop music (not 'heavy classical' or Jazz) although it also includes some (light) classical. It is suited to children or adults wanting to perform solo piano, play piano and sing and also for guitarists or studio engineers wanting to add keyboards to their music. It is also highly effective for people with dyslexia, ASD, ADHD, visual impairments and special needs.

Access The Course

  • If you have already enrolled - SIGN IN to access the course

  • otherwise, CLICK HERE TO 'ENROLL'
    and join the thousands of people who have learnt piano with FastPlay and be playing piano faster than you ever thought possible.